Count Down to Release Day!!!

 Hey guys, I'm counting down the days (64) until the release of Finding Imani. Of all the many books I have written, Finding Imani is the one I consider most important because of the subject matter. With each round of edits I have made on the book, I've been impressed with inspiration and additional content, and I pray that Imani's story will help others who have -or are still in the process- of overcoming abuse.

Abuse of any kind is damaging to the spirit, and the effects take a long time to fade. I know abuse. It was my life as a child, and it took a long time to heal from. Up until a few years ago, I was doing okay. Then something happened to me that brought my childhood back to the forefront for a long while.

The perpetrator of this offense has no idea of what I am still dealing with from time to time because of his actions, and the institution I once thought I could trust took his word over mine and nothing was ever done.

So, I started my healing process over again. I'm better, but the damage is deep. However, I do take comfort in the knowledge that God knows each of us, and no deed goes unseen by Him, including the actions of those in positions of authority. That knowledge keeps me going and I am grateful.

Finding Imani
has been a labor of love, and though it is written in verse (which makes it a fast read), her story is an emotional one. Exploring her healing has helped me in my own journey. And just as God blessed with happiness, Imani still carries that hope for herself, even though she doesn't feel worthy of it. Her story may be fiction, but it's still a true one for so many people. It is their reality.

I'm hoping to have the preorder info on Amazon soon. I will keep the updates coming!


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