I'm so excited about my new book coming out in February that I've decided to post a meme a day. I've been doing that on Facebook, but I decided to post them here as well.
I'm really excited about my upcoming book, Finding Imani , and it is my prayer that this story, written in verse, will help and uplift anyone dealing with (or overcoming) abuse in any of its various forms. Having been the victim of sexual and violent abuse as a child, then having to deal with it a few years ago in another form, I put my heart and soul into writing this story, and I want to help others understand that they won't always be victims. God can - and will - help turn victims into survivors. He can help us grow into the strong people we are meant to be. Though we may feel worthless, in God's eyes, we are priceless. Finding Imani book trailer link: Finding Imani I will be making a better video soon, and Finding Imani will be available in paperback and Kindle formats. On February 1st, I will be having an abuse awareness / book signing open house at Nourish in Duchesne, UT. There will be a free gift with the purchase of Finding Imani and a drawing for a pampering ...
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