
Finding Imani is Live! / Bonus Chapter

 Finding Imani is now available on in paperback and kindle formats. Order Link: Amazon Read it for free if you are enrolled in Kindle Unlimited. Here is a bonus chapter, to be read after reading Finding Imani . Completing Each Other   Vincent   I t is our wedding night.   And I am a man without words, my mind momentarily devoid of coherent thought.   My very being, the essence of all that I am, is imprisoned in an all-encompassing love and adoration for the beautiful woman sleeping in my arms.   My wife, Imani.   Her very name is synonymous with hope, something I was once devoid of.   She told me I helped her to heal, that she feels God’s perfect love through me.   But I think His love flows through us both. She truly is the woman I waited years for.   To own her precious heart and have her own mine so completely is truly God’s greatest blessing.   Tonight, though we were each other’s second, the love between us discredi...

Author Interview

 Here's a short interview I did with . Jewel Adams Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written. I’m a wife, mother, and grandmother. I have written over 30 books in different genres. I write interracial inspirational romance, YA romance, romantic fantasy, and children’s stories. What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it? My newest book will be released on February 1st and is entitled, “Finding Imani.” It is about a woman who has been a victim of domestic violence for many years. Events happen that change her life and she finally begins to heal, finding her real self again along the way. Personally, I know abuse, having been raised in it as a child, and I witnessed many things. I hope that this story will help others who still carry the scars of abuse, in all its forms. Do you have any unusual writing habits? I’m a people watcher, and I constantly create stories in my head about complete strangers. Occasionally, some become characters in...

Abuse Can Destroy


Finding Imani

 Finding Imani is now available for preorder in Kindle format! Amazon

Meme a Day

 On Facebook, for the past month, I have been posting a meme a day in preparation for the release of Finding Imani . I figure I had better try to post a few here. Enjoy!

Count Down to Release Day!!!

  Hey guys, I'm counting down the days (64) until the release of Finding Imani . Of all the many books I have written, Finding Imani is the one I consider most important because of the subject matter. With each round of edits I have made on the book, I've been impressed with inspiration and additional content, and I pray that Imani's story will help others who have -or are still in the process- of overcoming abuse. Abuse of any kind is damaging to the spirit, and the effects take a long time to fade. I know abuse. It was my life as a child, and it took a long time to heal from. Up until a few years ago, I was doing okay. Then something happened to me that brought my childhood back to the forefront for a long while. The perpetrator of this offense has no idea of what I am still dealing with from time to time because of his actions, and the institution I once thought I could trust took his word over mine and nothing was ever done. So, I started my healing process over again. ...


 I'm really excited about my upcoming book, Finding Imani , and it is my prayer that this story, written in verse, will help and uplift anyone dealing with (or overcoming) abuse in any of its various forms. Having been the victim of sexual and violent abuse as a child, then having to deal with it a few years ago in another form, I put my heart and soul into writing this story, and I want to help others understand that they won't always be victims. God can - and will - help turn victims into survivors. He can help us grow into the strong people we are meant to be. Though we may feel worthless, in God's eyes, we are priceless. Finding Imani  book trailer link: Finding Imani I will be making a better video soon, and Finding Imani will be available in paperback and Kindle formats. On February 1st, I will be having an abuse awareness / book signing open house at Nourish in Duchesne, UT. There will be a free gift with the purchase of Finding Imani and a drawing for a pampering ...